Who's Behind VALUED?

Explorers, Entrepreneurs, Humanists

Marc Eichner
From Germany
About Marc
  • Founder VALUED
  • Featured in Washington Post, SZ
  • LinkedIn Top Voice
Hanna Yarashuk
From Belarus / Germany
About Hanna
  • Generative AI Specialist
  • Inter-Cultural Business Coach 
  • Worked with Brands in Europe, Middle East and Asia
Nikhil Hirandani
From India
About Nikhil
  • LinkedIn Strategy Content Creation
  • Ex COO GrowthClub
  • Ex Disney Hotstar
Arthur Jones
From the USA
About Arthur
  • Story Teller & Story Listener
  • Brand Strategy Architect
  • Author
Patricia Hilbig
From South Africa / Germany
About Patricia
  • Personality Diagnostics Consultant
  • Personal Development Coach
  • Entrepreneur

Board of Advisors

Federico Pirola
From Italy
About Federico
  • Founder EmeraldFoundry
  • Business Coach
  • Angel Investor
Martin Nørgaard
From Denmark
About Martin
  • Founder sign.online
  • Full-Stack Developer
  • Tech Entrepreneur
Thomas Bothe
From Germany / Estonia
About Thomas
  • Leadership Communication Trainer
  • Strategy Coach
  • Author
Kadri Kaasik
From Estonia
About Kadri
  • Founder SilvaHunt
  • Product Innovator & Networker
  • Angel Investor
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