Talent Attraction Wings
What People say
The Reason
Create A Work WoRld That CultivateS High Performance and Wellbeing
You wonder why...
- From 1-click application funnels that make more candidates apply that don't identify with your company, and then leave you spending valuable time on separating the wheat from the chaff
- to expensive headhunting firms, that ... well ... "hunt heads" and don't attract people that identify with your company
- to promises of tech gurus that AI will solve all your hiring challenges, when in fact for building strong bonds you need humans
But so far you haven't discovered anything that's coming close to turn your company into a talent destination, making it increasingly harder to justify the hiring strategy in front of the CXOs and investors.
No wonder you're sceptical if you'll ever find the talent attraction strategy that just makes "click", wins the talent that makes the difference for your company and reduces your working hours.
IF can't WAIT to get to the next level...
What's going to be different this time?
What do you do next?
Your Identity Makes the Difference
Who your company's people are changes everything.
The true Sincere Essence of your company
Talent Attraction track
Is this you?
This 6-Stage Marbleous Talent Attraction Track...
The angel in the Marble is the soul of your company
unleash your Talent Attraction Angel
Narrative Quarry
Vision & Values Retreat
Talent Clay MODEL Studio
Value Proposition Carving Workshop
Talent Marketing POLISHING Atelier
Talent Attraction Angel Delivery Cart
Sculpt your talent attraction angel...
The VALUED approach to hiring is just on another level. My advice, get started today, otherwise you'll regret it tomorrow.
If you want talent that adds to your culture, go VALUED.
It's just amazing how VALUED has rethought the hiring process from the ground up. Chapeau!
No, it's not employer branding. It unfolds it's power immediately at the first job profile that you market. But you can also use it as the foundation for your employer branding.
We have been working for decades with values and used the underlying process of the Values-Driven Talent Converter for us and clients in the last 3 years to help win talent in the double digits. This very program is a pilot that we are running to scale things up. So expect some errors and at the same time flexibility from our side.
It works with all positions. We have successfully used the process for people & culture-, systems admin-, video editor-, copy writer-, management assistant-, performance marketer, and syndic attourney positions. You're want to attract humans. All humans respond to values. That's it.
WHO's Behind VALUED?
Hi I'm Marc Eichner
When I graduated from University in the top 0.01% of performers, I was ready to take over the world. Then I got employed and burned out. I reflected that the business world was not compatible with me. I wanted meaning and a positive work environment. I wanted to connect to my full potential.
A couple of years later I had an eureka moment. As a startup founder, I wanted to place 5 open positions. I neglected the “best practises” of hiring and talent marketing. I created the employer value proposition and job ads the way I would have wanted to apply myself. All messages were designed to speak both, to the soul and mind of people. The result: 40-80 applicants per position. Time to Hire: 10 to 21 days. And we only used free marketing channels.
The best part: it attracted exactly the talent you can wish for. Ambitious, smart, and proactive people. I realized, Simon Sinek is right. People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Same goes for hiring. People don’t apply for tasks or benefits. They apply for the meaning the job gives them.
When I manifested my guiding principles into talent marketing, I attracted people that believed in the same things as me: The transformators, the movers, the creators, the kind spirits- All in the search for meaning, for a positive work environment, for tapping into their full potential.
When I showed the process in a coaching session, an executive search expert told me I had something. So we started testing the process with 4 positions of a startup, backed by an insurance firm. These are the results:
- Get 20x higher application rates than the big talent search firms
- A handful hours until the first top candidates apply
- Candidates who already identify with the company before they apply
This encouraged me to dive into the hiring world and I decided to found VALUED. The mission is to help create supreme work environments by winning exceptional individuals.
Even though I’ve worked with McKinsey, BCG and REWE on employer branding in the past, I’m not a recruiter. I’m a marketer, entrepreneur and strong believer in the planet, people and prosperity framework. This gives me a unique perspective for designing powerful talent marketing systems.
I’m looking forward to connecting with you.